Research Topics in IoT for Thesis Writing

3 min readMar 25, 2022


Internet of things (IoT) is considered as one of the best topics for thesis writing because it is a very interesting topic and tremendous students want to explore the internet of things (IoT) for thesis writing. Internet of things is network tangible devices that are connected and with sensors and actuators, these devices exchange loads of data and information between themselves. In addition to it, there are several research topics in IOT like big data, mobile computing, and many others. Here are some significant topics that can help an individual in thesis writing:

Semantic Web

The basic idea of the semantic web comes in three different things Automation of information retrieval, Personal Assistants, and the Internet of Things. The semantic web makes data processing smooth for machines by bypassing human operators. Moreover, the semantic web is considered as the future because semantic web made blending and locating information on the web very easy. In addition to it, the semantic web is built on RDF (Resource Description Framework). The semantic web is used in online ticket booking services.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Major examples of artificial intelligence are Alexa, Siri, self-driven cars, and virtual travel booking guides. Artificial intelligence is important due to various reasons and one of them is AI enhances repetitive learning and finding through the data. In addition to it, all the work is done without any stress on fatigue by the use of artificial intelligence. Besides that, artificial intelligence opts for progressive learning algorithms and acquires new skills automatically.

Wireless Sensor Networks

Wireless sensor networks (WSN) is one of the best thesis topics in IoT and wireless sensor networks follow two types of communication one is single-hop communication and multi-hop communication. Single-hop communication is used when two different nodes are in range and want to connect. In contrast to it, when two different nodes are not in range and want to connect then multi-hop communication is used. Besides that, there are several advantages of using WSN and some of them are that WSN is very flexible to use, new devices can easily be added and it is pocket friendly.

Cloud Computing

For IOT based thesis, an individual can write a thesis on cloud computing as cloud computing faces various challenges like virtual machine learning, security load balancing, and many others. On another hand, there are various uses of cloud computing and one of them is that cloud computing provides a platform to developers for testing and development on the cloud. In addition, the cloud provides space to store files online that can be accessed later whenever required and data analytics services to its users locate and extract the file from huge data sets.

Big Data

Another good topic for or Ph.D. thesis is big data, big data act as a storeroom that stores a large number of data and handles it by using the best and latest technologies and tactics. Moreover, big data is a wide topic and an individual can choose various topics of thesis writing. For instance, you can write about security in big data, application of big data, big data processing of software, and many more.

Mobile Cloud Computing

Mobile cloud computing is also a great choice for IoT thesis writing because it is not potentially explored and an individual can write various things about it after doing intense research on mobile computing. In addition to it, mobile cloud computing helps in providing applications to mobile devices by using cloud computing. Besides that, mobile computing is very awesome as it is very flexible and applications can be delivered to various devices of different operators.




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